Well, honey, 4.375 as a mixed number is 4 and 3/8. It's as simple as that. No need to overcomplicate things, just keep it real and move on with your day.
4.375 = 4375/1000 = 43/8
4375 = 4,375
The LCM of a single number such as 4375 is the number itself.
4375/1000 or 35/8= 4.375 * 1000/1000= 4375/1000 or 35/8
4.375 = 4375/1000 = 43/8
4375 = 4,375
The LCM of a single number such as 4375 is the number itself.
4375/1000 or 35/8= 4.375 * 1000/1000= 4375/1000 or 35/8
The phone number of the Lakeshore Branch is: 504-838-4375.
the last # and the decimal point
4375 = cuatro mil trescientos setenta y cinco
The phone number of the Witherle Memorial Library is: 207-326-4375.
The phone number of the Trenton Historical Society is: 734-676-4375.
The GCF of 4375 and 1225 is 175.