The factors (ie those numbers which divide it) of 4805 are: 1, 5, 31, 155, 961, 4805
48, 45
Start by finding the prime factorization: 4805 = 5 x 961 = 5 x 31 x 31. Put these 3 factors together in all possible ways: 5 31 5 x 31 = 155 31 x 31 = 961 These are the "interesting" numbers that go into 4805. Of course, 4805 is also evenly divisible by 1 and by 4805.
|-48| = 48.
The factors of 4805 are: 1, 5, 31, 155, 961, and 4805.The prime factors of 4805 are: 5 and 31.
The factors (ie those numbers which divide it) of 4805 are: 1, 5, 31, 155, 961, 4805
4805 factors to [5 31 31] All factors are {1, 5, 31, 155, 961, 4805} ■
The place value of the 8 in this number is thousands.
48, 45
The place value of 8 in 48 would be the ones place. The 4 in this case would be considered the tens place.
Start by finding the prime factorization: 4805 = 5 x 961 = 5 x 31 x 31. Put these 3 factors together in all possible ways: 5 31 5 x 31 = 155 31 x 31 = 961 These are the "interesting" numbers that go into 4805. Of course, 4805 is also evenly divisible by 1 and by 4805.
|-48| = 48.
4,805 to the nearest hundreds is 4,800
Range = highest value - lowest value Range = 60 - 48 = 12