Rounded to the nearest whole number, 4.89 is approximately equal to 5.
example: 489 127 to nearest thousand.
489 million
No, not to a whole number (489/5 = 97.8)
A rational number is one that can be expressed as one integer (whole number) over another integer. 4.89 = 489 ÷ 100 = 489/100 In this form 489 is an integer and 100 is an integer, so 4.89 can be expressed as one integer over another integer, thus it is a rational number.
489 = 111101001
It is 490 when rounded to the nearest whole number and not 489
example: 489 127 to nearest thousand.
489 million
No, not to a whole number (489/5 = 97.8)
489 to the nearest 100 = 500
489 KM
A rational number is one that can be expressed as one integer (whole number) over another integer. 4.89 = 489 ÷ 100 = 489/100 In this form 489 is an integer and 100 is an integer, so 4.89 can be expressed as one integer over another integer, thus it is a rational number.
489 = 111101001
To mentally estimate the product of 313 and 489, you can round both numbers to the nearest hundred to simplify the calculation. 313 rounds to 300 and 489 rounds to 500. Multiply these rounded numbers together to get 300 x 500 = 150,000. This is a rough estimate of the product of 313 and 489.
110 pounds = 489 newtons (rounded)