Two words with same meaning are called synonyms.
Two words with the same meaning are called synonyms.
The words are called synonyms.
Words or phrases that are the same forward or backward are called palindromes.
It is 4*1015
Anyone who has memorized to book of 2,000 knock-knock jokes and regular jokes someone who can list 4000000000000000 websites of jokes
The words in a poem are called 'verses.'
Rearranging words to make other words is called anagramming.
A play without words is called a ballet, or pantomime. A person who acts without words, is called a mime.
The words at the top of the thesaurus are called guide words!
The words to a song are known as "lyrics."
Words within words are called "embedded words." This term refers to words that can be found hidden or contained within a larger word. Examples include "beauty" in "beautiful" or "sun" in "sunny."
Words that describe people, places and things (nouns) are called adjectives. Words that describe actions (verbs) are called adverbs. A general term for describing words is modifier.
Words that have opposite meanings are called antonyms.
== == Similar words are called "synonyms."Synonyms
Compound words