The whole number portion of 418.0972 is 418
It is 418.
418 to the nearest tenths = 418.0
the answer is 418
The whole number is a number with no decimals after it. So, 418.0972 would be rounded to simply 418.
418: four hundred eighteen
The whole number portion of 418.0972 is 418
It is 418.
It is 418.
418 to the nearest tenths = 418.0
4180972 is a whole number.
418.971 is a mixed number and there is no way to represent it as a whole number. The whole part of it is 418.
It is 418
the answer is 418
It is 418
418 rounds to0 to the nearest thousand400 to the nearest hundred420 to the nearest ten
418 worth to the nearest ten is 400