42% = .42
It is: 42% = 0.42
42/100 = 0.42
42 is what percent of 45= 42 / 45= 0.933333Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.933333 * 100 = 93.33%
42% as a decimal is 0.42
42% = .42
It is: 42% = 0.42
4.2% = 0.042
Number*percent in a decimal 200 * .42 = 84
0.36 is the smallest - then 2/5 (which is 0.4 as a decimal) - then 42% (which is written as 0.42)
42/100 = 0.42
42 is what percent of 45= 42 / 45= 0.933333Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.933333 * 100 = 93.33%