A whole number or integer such as 67 is not normally converted into mixed number
Fraction: 438/100 = 219/50 Mixed number: 219/50 = 4 and 19/50
23.75% = 0.2375 which can't be converted into a mixed number
Mixed fractions can be converted into improper fractions then changed back to a mixed number.
37/3 is a fraction not a mixed number but if converted to 12 and 1/3 it is a mixed number
438.068 as a mixed number = 438 17/250
9.2 converted to a mixed number is 91/5
1.281 converted to a mixed number = 1281/1000
5.35 converted into a mixed number = 57/20
32.84 converted to a mixed number = 3221/25
438 is an integer and so there is no sensible way of writing it as a fraction or mixed number.
A whole number or integer such as 67 is not normally converted into mixed number
Fraction: 438/100 = 219/50 Mixed number: 219/50 = 4 and 19/50
77 over 9 converted into a mixed number is 85/9
32.84 converted to a mixed number is 3221/25
23.75% = 0.2375 which can't be converted into a mixed number
124 is an integer and is not needed to be converted.