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In base 5 system - we would have numbers 0 - 4 only (like in octal system ie base 8, we have numbers from 0-7 forming the octal system) 4323 plus 3421 equals _________ 13244 (in base 5) Explanation - starting from Right most - 3+1 = 4 written down inanswer 2+ 2 = 4 written down , 3 +4 = 7 (there is no 7 in base 5 system , 5 is treated as 0, 6 as 1 and 7 as 2 with carry over of 1 ) - this result is written as 2 with carry forward of 1 4+3 + carry over 1 = 8 (which is written as 3 in base 5 system with carry over of 1 ) That is why the end result = 13244 Alternative method - (may be can use this to check the above answer) 4323 in base 5 is same as 4 * (5^3) + 3 *(5^2) + 2 *(5^1) + 3 *(5^0) = 500 + 75 + 10 +3 = 588 in decimal system 3421 in base 5 is same as 3 * (5^3) + 4 *(5^2) + 2 *(5^1) + 1*(5^0) = 375 + 100 + 10 + 1 = 486 in decimal system Now - 588 + 486 = 1074 in decimal which is same as 13244 base 5 1*(5^4) + 3 *(5^3) + 2 *(5^2) + 4 *(5^1) + 4*(5^0) = 625+375+50+20+4 = 1074

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