First write it out.
435 billion is 435,000,000,000
Now put a decimal at the end (as long as one did not exist already)
Now move that decimal till it is after the first digit and count how many spots you just moved it.
4.35000000000 (moved 11 spots)
so now we do this
4.35 x 10^11
x 10 ^ k is how you write scientific notation the k is the number of spots you moved it.
More explanation is needed for decimals but you didn't ask for that - so save that for another time.
So, answer to your question 4.35 x 10^11 or on your calculator it may appear 4.35E11
80 billion in scientific notation is: 8.000000e+10
100 billion in scientific notation is: 1.000000e+11
It is: 7.5*10^9 = 7.5 billion in scientific notation
Four billion in Scientific Notation = 4 x 109
6.32 billion in scientific notation is: 6.32 x 109
80 billion in scientific notation is: 8.000000e+10
100 billion in scientific notation is: 1.000000e+11
660 billion in Scientific Notation = 6.6 x 1011
Three billion in Scientific Notation = 3 x 109
It is: 7.5*10^9 = 7.5 billion in scientific notation
Four billion in Scientific Notation = 4 x 109
6.32 billion in scientific notation is: 6.32 x 109
40 billion in Scientific Notation = 4 x 1010
The scientific notation of 250 billion is: 2.5 x 10^11
17 billion in Scientific Notation = 1.7 x 1010
2.68 billion in Scientific Notation = 2.68 x 109
4064.6 billion in scientific notation is 4 X 10^12