It is already a fraction in its lowest terms.
43% = 43/100
Expressed as a decimal, 43/8 is equal to 5.375.
Expressed as a percentage, 43/65 x 100 = 66.153846 recurring (that is, 66.153846153846...)
It is already a fraction in its lowest terms.
215/840 in lowest terms is 43/168
43% = 43/100
To find the quotient of two numbers, you need to divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, if you have 10 as the numerator and 2 as the denominator, the quotient would be 10 divided by 2, which equals 5. Therefore, the quotient in lowest terms for this example would be 5/1.
Expressed as a decimal, 43/8 is equal to 5.375.
Expressed as a percentage, 43/100 is equal to 43/100 x 100 = 43 percent.
Expressed as a decimal, 43/25 is equal to 1.72.