Michigan is located from 48 N to 41 N and from 90 W to 82 W.
The nearest city to 44 N 63 W is Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada (coordinates are: 44.6652° N, 63.5677° W).
-44n = 0------------n = -0/44------------n = 0
The city located at 75W and 44N coordinates is Montreal, Canada.
44n is the same thing as 44 * n. By the way "*" means "times/multiply".
The city at approximately 44N and 116W coordinates is Boise, the capital city of Idaho in the United States.
Pacific sea
45.5°N 69°W
Theodor W. Hänsch is 69 years old (birthdate: October 30, 1941).
John W. Hinckley Jr. is still alive. He is 69 years old now.
George W. Bush has not yet died. He is alive an 69 years of age. His Father, George H. W. Bush is also still living.