There cannot be a whole fraction. If it is a fraction it is not whole and if it is whole it is not a fraction.
No, every fraction is not a unit fraction because unit fraction must have 1 as numerator but every unit fraction is a fraction such as 2/3 is a fraction but not considered a unit fraction and 1/3 which is a unit fraction is also called fraction
Improper fraction is greater than a proper fraction.
That's a complex fraction.
There is no such fraction. For any fraction, you can always find a fraction that is nearer to 1 - for example, the average of the fraction and one.
42205 cm is less than 4556 km42205 cm < 4556 km
The Bold and the Beautiful - 1987 1-4556 was released on: USA: 19 May 2005
What is routing number
182 times with a remainder of 6
4,556 = 2 x 2 x 17 x 67
The phone number of the Kimberly Public is: 208-423-4556.
The phone number of the National Apple Museum is: 717-677-4556.
The phone number of the Buttonwood Park Zoo is: 508-991-4556.
The address of the Wabeno Public Library is: 4556 N. Branch St., Wabeno, 54566 0340
The phone number of the Francis J. Stallo Memorial Library is: 419-682-4556.
Guilty Trails - 1938 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Passed (National Board of Review) USA:Approved (PCA #4556)