16/45 cannot be simplified.
45/63 is 5/7 simplified
What is 88 over 100 simplified
It is: 1281/45 = 427/15 simplified
The number .45 is 45/100. Since 45 and 100 can be divided by 5, we have9/20. This is the simplified form since 9 and 20 have no common factors.
45/100 = 9/20
Simplified, it is 9/20. Found by dividing 45 and 100 by GCD of 5.
.45 as a fraction can be written as 45 over 100, or if simplified, 9 over 20.
45/100 in simplified terms is 9/20.
45% : = 45/100= 9/20
45 over 100 or simplified as 9 over 20
53/45 cannot be simplified further.
It is: 45/1000 = 9/200 simplified
16/45 cannot be simplified.
45/63 is 5/7 simplified
First write 45 over 100 (45/100). Decide on a number that will divide equally into 45 and 100 - in this case it is 5). Divide the 45 by 5 = 9 Divide 100 by 5 = 20 So the answer is 9 over 20 (9/20) (It can't be simplified further, as only 1 will divide equally into 45 and 100.)
It could be 45/100 which can be simplified if required.