47.9 as a decimal is simply 47.9. In decimal form, whole numbers remain the same, so there is no need for any conversion or manipulation. Decimals are a way to represent parts of a whole number, with the whole number to the left of the decimal point and the decimal part to the right.
479 and 958 have a GCF of 479.
The two numbers can be 479 and 958 (479 doubled). 958 only has the factors 479 and 2, so, since 2 does not factor into 479, the common factor remains 479.
479 + 89 = 568
Place, .479/1 mover decimal places to the right all the way to whole numbers 479/1000 -----------------------this is the simplest form of this fraction
479 is the GCF of 479 and 958.
1 x 479, 479 x 1
479 and 958 have a GCF of 479.
479 is prime mening the factors are only 1 and 479
479 and 479
the least common multiple of 479 is 479
1 and 479.
479 is a prime number. The only factors for this number is 479 and 1.
479 is a prime number. Numbers having a greatest common factor of 479 are 479 and 958, or any other two or more multiples of 479.