520% = 5.20
65 / 520 = 0.125Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.125 * 100 = 12.5%
To convert any decimal to percent, simply multiply the decimal by 100. Thus, 5.2 × 100 = 520%
478 = 478
15% of 478= 15% * 478= 0.15 * 478= 71.7
520% = 5.20
To find what distance is 7 percent of 520 ft., convert 7% to decimal notation and multiply that by 520. 7% is .07 in decimal notation, so 7% of 520 is 0.07*520 = 36.4
You divide it by 100, so 520/100=5.2.
65 / 520 = 0.125Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.125 * 100 = 12.5%
520 over 300 = 26/15 ; 1.7333... = 520/300 = 26/15 in lowest term= 1.733... in decimal
27.'692307' % (recuring decimal)
There are 1.609344 kilometres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 520 kilometres is equal to 520/1.609344 = 323.11 miles.
To convert any decimal to percent, simply multiply the decimal by 100. Thus, 5.2 × 100 = 520%
478 = 478
A percent is that number over 100. Thus to convert from a decimal to a percentage you have to multiply by 100. In this case, we have 4.78, so multiply that by 100 which calculates out as 478. Therefore 4.78 as a percentage is 478%