No, the sum of a repeating decimal and a terminating decimal is never a terminating decimal.
A terminating decimal is a decimal that ends. A repeating decimal is a decimal that goes on and on.
you divide the numerator by the denominator on you will get a decimal and you write it 00.00 that is a decimal
It is already in decimal form.
The decimal is the . symbol.
There are 4812/0.25 = 19248
It is: 170/4812 = 85/2406
They are members of an infinite set of numbers of the form 4812*k where k is an integer.
.812 L
4812 * 4 = 48
Yes, it is a composite number.
The Bold and the Beautiful - 1987 1-4812 was released on: USA: 22 May 2006 Belgium: 6 March 2009
4.8 leters a ml. iS 1 1THOUSETH OF AN INCH
The phone number of the Fleischmann Planetarium is: 775-784-4812.
The phone number of the Masonic Temple is: 785-825-4812.
Divide it by 10 481.2 Round result 481 Multiply by 10 4810
It is about 2990 miles (4812 kilometers). It is an estimated 5 hours, 59 minutes flight.