4 is 331/3% of 12 .
4/12 as a percentage = 100*4/12 = 100*1/3 = 100/3 = 33.33.. %
If you divide 4/6 it will = 66.66 which then the percentage is 67% Same for 8/12 = 67% Same 12/18 = 67%
4/12 =33%
percentage = 4%% rate:= 12/300 * 100%= 0.04 * 100%= 4%
4 is 331/3% of 12 .
4/12 as a percentage = 100*4/12 = 100*1/3 = 100/3 = 33.33.. %
33.333% (as in 1/3rd of 12)
What is the better winning percentage? 13-5 or 12-4-2
4/12 = 1/3 = 33.33%
percentage = (100/3)% or 33.33...%% rate:= 4/12 * 100%= 1/3 * 100%= (100/3)% or 33.33...%
If you divide 4/6 it will = 66.66 which then the percentage is 67% Same for 8/12 = 67% Same 12/18 = 67%
12 / 16 = .75 = 3/4 = 75%
12/15 = 4/5 = .80 = 80%
4/12 =33%
percentage = 4%% rate:= 12/300 * 100%= 0.04 * 100%= 4%
Divide one number by the other and multiply by one hundredExample 3 as a percentage of 12 is3/12 x 100 = 1/4 x 100 = 100/4 = 25so 3 is 25% of 12