A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 418.
eighteen thirty fifths written as a decimal = 0.514318/35:= 18 ÷ 35= 0.5143 in decimal
0.018 is already written as a decimal. As a fraction, it would be 18/1000 or 9/500.
4/100 as a decimal is 0.04
18 / 3/8 = 48.0000
4 4/5 written in decimal form is 4.8.
It is simply 18.0 as a decimal
18 is already a decimal number. If you meant 1/8, then this is written in decimal notation as 0.125.
18 over 36 (18/36) simplifies to 1/2, which is 0.5 in decimal.
We first remember that 18% is a decimal.,18/100, which can be written as the decimal 0.18. If we multiply this by 75000, we get 13500. This is 18% of 75000.
eighteen thirty fifths written as a decimal = 0.514318/35:= 18 ÷ 35= 0.5143 in decimal
0.018 is already written as a decimal. As a fraction, it would be 18/1000 or 9/500.
As a percentage of 17 out of 18 it is 94.'4'% recurring decimal '4'
4/100 as a decimal is 0.04
18 / 3/8 = 48.0000
4.25 is already a decimal! The fraction is 4 1/4.
4 4/5 written in decimal form is 4.8.