0.036089457 to four decimal places (4 places of precision) is 0.0361. The number at the 5th decimal place (8) is used to round *up* the 4th decimal place figure from 0 to 1. If the number at the 5th decimal place had been
I think it's 7.8 but I did it in my head so don't stick to it totally
decimal for 7/4 = 1.757/4:= 7 ÷ 4= 1.75 in decimal
4 out of 17 as a decimal = 0.23534/17:= 4 ÷ 17= 0.2353 in decimal
-4 47 in decimal form = =0.0851-4/47:= -4 ÷ 47= -0.0851 in decimal
0.036089457 to four decimal places (4 places of precision) is 0.0361. The number at the 5th decimal place (8) is used to round *up* the 4th decimal place figure from 0 to 1. If the number at the 5th decimal place had been
I think it's 7.8 but I did it in my head so don't stick to it totally
decimal for 7/4 = 1.757/4:= 7 ÷ 4= 1.75 in decimal
37/4 as a decimal = 9.2537/4:= 37 ÷ 4= 9.25 in decimal
4/1000 as a decimal is 0.004 4/10 as a decimal is 0.4
4 out of 17 as a decimal = 0.23534/17:= 4 ÷ 17= 0.2353 in decimal
4% as a decimal is 0.04
-4 47 in decimal form = =0.0851-4/47:= -4 ÷ 47= -0.0851 in decimal
3.14159 to 5 decimal places. As the the 5th digit after the decimal place is a 9 when quoting to 4 decimal places the 4th digit is rounded up so Pi to 4 decimal places is: 3.1416 If you put it that way... 3.14159265358979323 So technically I am right but, If you round it up you get 3. Just little 3