4 percent of 25 percent = 0.04 x 25 percent = 1 percent
100 percent is 1 40 percent is .4 4 percent is .04
4 percent of 13.50 is 0.54
4 percent of 34,000 is 1,360.
% rate = 4/5 * 100% = 80%
4 out of 5 can be written as 4/5 and is equal to 80%.
The percentage of 4 out of 5 is 100 percent divided by 5 = 20 percent. 4 times 20 percent = 80 percent. (20%= 1/5%) + (20% = 2/5%) = 40% which is the same as 2 out of 5+ (20% = 3/5%) = 60% which is the same as 3 out of 5 + 20% = 80% which is the same as 4 out of 5+ 20% *the 5th percent = 100% hard to follow but here it is :P
4 percent of 25 percent = 0.04 x 25 percent = 1 percent
The word "percent" literally means "per hundred".So 4 per hundred is exactly 4 percent.
100 percent is 1 40 percent is .4 4 percent is .04
4 percent of 1,269,403 is 50,776.12
No it is not; 4% is .04
4 percent of 520.000 is 20.8