If you divide 4/6 it will = 66.66 which then the percentage is 67% Same for 8/12 = 67% Same 12/18 = 67%
18 as a percentage of 45 is 40%
18 out of 30 as a percentage is 60%.
Percentage of 18 out 20 is 90%.
Expressed as a percentage, 18/100 x 100 = 18 percent.
percentage of correct = 66.67%= (18-4)/18 * 100% = 12/18 * 100% = 0.6667 * 100% = 66.67%
18, as a percentage of 17 = 100*18/17 = 105.8824% approx.
As a percentage of 17 out of 18 it is 94.'4'% recurring decimal '4'
22.22%% rate:= 4/18 * 100%= 0.2222 * 100%= 22.22%
4 x 18 ie 72%
If you divide 4/6 it will = 66.66 which then the percentage is 67% Same for 8/12 = 67% Same 12/18 = 67%
percentage of 18 = 1800% 18 * 100% = 1800%
18 as a percentage of 45 is 40%
18 out of 30 as a percentage is 60%.
18/20 as a percentage is 90%