Well, honey, five twelfths plus one sixth equals... drumroll please... seven twelfths! Math doesn't have to be boring, darling. Just add those fractions up and voilà, you've got your answer. Keep on crunching those numbers, you're doing great!
7 twelfths. Solution: 1. 9 twelfths - 2 twelfths = 7 twelfths 2. 9/12 - 2/12 = 7/12 ============ 7/12. 9 of something minus 2 of the same thing equals 7 of that thing. It makes no difference whether the thing, for example, is apples or pounds/dollars or "twelfths" etc.
The sum of 1/8 and 2/12 is 7/24
It would be 7/12. 1/2 --> 6/12 + 1/12 = 7/12
4 and 7 twelfths = 4.5833 3.875 + 4.5833 = 8.4583
Well, honey, five twelfths plus one sixth equals... drumroll please... seven twelfths! Math doesn't have to be boring, darling. Just add those fractions up and voilà, you've got your answer. Keep on crunching those numbers, you're doing great!
3 + 2/3 + 5 + 7/12 = 37/4 it is 37 fourths 9 and 1/4
1/6=2/12, so 2/12+7/12=9/12=3/4
7 twelfths. Solution: 1. 9 twelfths - 2 twelfths = 7 twelfths 2. 9/12 - 2/12 = 7/12 ============ 7/12. 9 of something minus 2 of the same thing equals 7 of that thing. It makes no difference whether the thing, for example, is apples or pounds/dollars or "twelfths" etc.
The sum of 1/8 and 2/12 is 7/24
It is: 7/12+1/4 = 5/6
3x8 is 24 and 2x12 is 24 3/24 is 1/8th 4/24 is 2/12th 7/24 is therefore the answer
It would be 7/12. 1/2 --> 6/12 + 1/12 = 7/12
Commutative property of addition. :)