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approx 12.5664r

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Q: What is 4 multiplied by pie multiplied by r?
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How can you get the circumference of a circle?

1. The diameter multiplied by pie. 2. The radius multiplied by 2 multiplied by pie. 3. The area divided by pie, the square root of that answer then multiplied by 2 then multiplied by pie.

What is Pie multiplied by twenty-five?

pie multiplied by twenty five = 78.53981634

What is the surface area of half a sphere?

its 2 pie r squared BUT you have to add back the base (a circle) which is pie r2 The original formula is 4 pie r squared Your new formula is (2 pie r squared + pie r squared)

What is the formula to find a circumference if the radius is 4 and the diameter is 8?

pie multiplied by the radius.

What is 3.2multiplied by 3.3 multiplied by 3.4 multiplied by pie?

35.904pi or 112.79574...

What is the area of a hemisphere?

one half multiplied by four multiplied by pie multiplied by the radius squared

What is 1653 multiplied by pie?


Given a sphere with radius r what does the formula represent?

Do you mean volume or surface area? volume = 4/3 x pi x r^3 (four divided by three, multiplied by pi, multiplied by radius cubed). surface area = 4 x pi x r^2 (four multiplied by pi, multiplied by radius squared).

What is the area of a circle with a radios of 4?

Area of a circle = pie(3.14)*r*r since, radius = 4 units area = 3.14*4*4 = 50.24 units

Can a 3 X 4 matrix be multiplied by a 4 X 1 matrix?

Yes. If one matrix is p*q and another is r*s then they can be multiplied if and only if q = r and, in that case, the result is a p*s matrix.

Surface area of sphere?

Surface area of sphere is : A= 4*pie*r^2

What is equal to the circumference multiplied by pie?

The diameter multiplied by (pi)2 . That's about 9.87 times the diameter.