To convert 5.125 to a fraction, we first note that the decimal portion .125 can be expressed as 125/1000. Simplifying this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 125, we get 1/8. Therefore, 5.125 as a fraction is 5 1/8.
As an improper fraction 5.125 is 5125/1000.
5125 ml are in 5 liters and 125 milliliters.
5125% off of $68.00= 25% discount applied to $68.00= $68.00 - (25% * $68.00)= $68.00 - (0.25 * $68.00)= $68.00 - 17= 51
There cannot be a whole fraction. If it is a fraction it is not whole and if it is whole it is not a fraction.
As an improper fraction 5.125 is 5125/1000.
As a product of its prime factors: 5*5*5*41 = 5125
The address of the Heart Gallery Of Oregon is: Po Box 5125, Portland, OR 97208-5125
The Bold and the Beautiful - 1987 1-5125 was released on: USA: 15 August 2007 USA: 15 August 2007 Belgium: 19 May 2010
Princess W. M. Rogers and Son 5125 likely refers to a silverware pattern produced by the Wm. Rogers & Son company. The "Princess" pattern may feature a design with regal or ornate elements suitable for formal dining occasions. The number 5125 could indicate a specific model or set within the Princess pattern line.
Indianapolis to Rio de Janeiro is about 5125 miles or 8250 kilometers.
5125 ml are in 5 liters and 125 milliliters.
The phone number of the University Of Oklahoma is: 405-271-5125.
The prime factorization for 125 is:5 X 5 x 5125 is the cube of 55x5x5
PO BOX 1050 Golden Grove Village SA 5125
I heard that in was like 5125 or something like that in the 5100's