As a fraction 5.183 is 5183/1000 which can not be simplified any further. As a mixed number this is 5 183/1000.
It is: 0.87 = 87/100 as a fraction in its lowest terms
2.04 as a fraction in lowest terms is 51/25. The mixed number form is 21/25
12.48 as a fraction in lowest terms is 312/25 (or 1212/25 as a mixed number).
It is: 0.09 = 9/100 as a fraction in its lowest terms and it can't be expressed as a mixed number because it's less than 1
1.75 as a fraction in lowest terms is 7/4. The mixed number is 13/4
It is: 0.87 = 87/100 as a fraction in its lowest terms
"Lowest terms" refers to the fraction part of a mixed number. To put any fraction in its simplest form, find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form (lowest terms).
As a fraction in its lowest terms: 67/100
4/3 in mixed fraction in lowest terms = 1.3333333333333333
3.12 as a fraction in its lowest terms is 78/25. (The mixed number equivalent is 33/25).
2.04 as a fraction in lowest terms is 51/25. The mixed number form is 21/25
12.48 as a fraction in lowest terms is 312/25 (or 1212/25 as a mixed number).
It is: 0.09 = 9/100 as a fraction in its lowest terms and it can't be expressed as a mixed number because it's less than 1
1.75 as a fraction in lowest terms is 7/4. The mixed number is 13/4
405% as a fraction in lowest terms is 81/20. The mixed number equivalent is 41/20
5 + 2/1000 = 5 + 1/500 (a mixed number in lowest terms) Or, 5002/1000 = 2501/500 ( an improper fraction in lowest terms)