5197 is a whole number and does not need to be rounded.
273 to the nearest hundreds place = 300
3,481 to the nearest hundreds place = 3,500
7.868 to the nearest hundreds place is zero. To the nearest hundredths place is 7.87
0.378 to the nearest hundreds place is zero.
5197 is a whole number and does not need to be rounded.
977 to the nearest hundreds place = 1,000
7,852 to the nearest hundreds place is 7,900
295 to the nearest hundreds place = 300
464 to the nearest hundreds place is 500
273 to the nearest hundreds place = 300
3,481 to the nearest hundreds place = 3,500
7.868 to the nearest hundreds place is zero. To the nearest hundredths place is 7.87
60 to the nearest hundreds place = 100
0.378 to the nearest hundreds place is zero.
837 to the nearest hundreds place = 800
9,911 rounded to the nearest hundreds place is 9,900