The number 0.891 is already rounded to three decimal places.
87.656 87.66
5.263915 rounded to three decimal places is 5.264.
It works out as the square root of 29 or about 5.385 rounded to three decimal places
The correct answer is 0.200
0.080808 rounded to three decimal places is 0.081.
The number 0.891 is already rounded to three decimal places.
Well rounded to three decimal points it's 6.782. Hope it helps.
It is 11.929 rounded to three decimal places
Rounded to three decimal places, 15.61784 is approximately equal to 15.618.
17.17642 rounded to three decimal places is 17.176.
87.656 87.66
5.263915 rounded to three decimal places is 5.264.