There cannot be a whole fraction. If it is a fraction it is not whole and if it is whole it is not a fraction.
No, every fraction is not a unit fraction because unit fraction must have 1 as numerator but every unit fraction is a fraction such as 2/3 is a fraction but not considered a unit fraction and 1/3 which is a unit fraction is also called fraction
Improper fraction is greater than a proper fraction.
That's a complex fraction.
There is no such fraction. For any fraction, you can always find a fraction that is nearer to 1 - for example, the average of the fraction and one.
1 kg = 1000 g. There are 5.675 kg in 5675 g.
The Bold and the Beautiful - 1987 1-5675 was released on: USA: 21 October 2009
All My Children - 1970 1-5675 was released on: USA: 13 November 1991
About four days.
The address of the Lasalle Parish Library is: 3108 North First Street, Jena, 71342 3199
The gross weight of the 2006 Toyota Highlander-Hybrid is 5675 lbs..
The gross weight of the 2007 Toyota Highlander-Hybrid is 5675 lbs..
Unless the decimal is missing, it would just be 5,675 meters. This is if the number is also in meters by the way.
The country code and area code of Tannheim, Austria is 43, (0)5675.
The phone number of the Lake Ridge Neighborhood Library is: 703-792-5675.