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Q: What is 502.6548246 to 1 significant places?
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What is 10.245 rounded to?

It depends to what degree of accuracy: 10.25 (2 Decimal Places) 10.3 (1 Decimal Place) 10 (0 Decimal Places) 10 (1 Significant Figure) I included 1 Significant Figure for your future reference. If the number was 11.245 then to 1 Significant figure would be 10 because 0 does not count as a figure and therefore the 1 in 11 would be the only FIGURE.

How many significant figures does 15001000?

There are five significant figures. The two zeros between the 5 million and 1 thousand are significant: 15001000, because they are between other significant figures. They tell that those places have a certain value (other than 1,2,3 etc). The three zeros in the ones, tens and hundreds places are not significant, because they just indicate scale. Note that if it had said 15001000.0 then it could be said that those zeros are significant because they represent a specific value.

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How many significant figures are in the number 1.324?

1.324 has 4 significant figures.It has 3 decimal places.

How many significant figures does 1 has?

It has 1 significant figure.

What is the name of the places behind the decimal?

Significant figures. For example, 3.4953729 to 3 significant figures would be 3.495

How many significant figures are in 4.0005?

Five. If you write numbers representing the numbers in a calculation or an answer, then the number of significant figures is the number of figures written down. The number of significant figures in 351.739002 is 9; Don't confuse "significant figures" with "decimal places". The number above has 6 decimal places.

What is the process for adding and multiplying numbers with significant figures?

When adding or multiplying numbers with significant figures, the result should be rounded to the least number of decimal places in the original numbers. For addition, the result should have the same number of decimal places as the number with the fewest decimal places. For multiplication, the result should have the same number of significant figures as the number with the fewest significant figures.

What digits are considered significant in 221.0988478?

221.0988478 Without specific information relating to the format required of the answer then there are 10 significant figures in this number. If the question required the answer to three decimal places then the number would be presented as 221.099 which has 6 significant figures. If the question asked for the answer to the nearest hundred then the answer becomes 200.0 which is correct to 1 significant figure.

How many significant figures are in 0.224?

2 significant figures.

Why are significant figures used and how are significant figures obtained?

Significant figures are used to receive a more accurate number. To obtain the number you you multiply or divide the quantities, leave as many significant figures in the answer as there are in the quantity with the least number or significant figures. If adding or subtracting quantities, leave the same number of decimal places in the answer as there are in the quantity with the least number of decimal places

What is 1.008 rounded to?

That would depend on the number of significant places you are rounding to.