In order to calculate a percentage we must take the number of things which meet a criteria we are interested in and divide this by the total number of things and then multiply by 100.
So, if 50 out of 84 cats enjoy having their tummy tickled:
We take the number of cats who meet the criteria we are interested in (i.e. 50)
and divide this by the total number of cats (i.e. 84)
and then multiply by 100.
50/84 * 100
= 59.5 % (answer is to one decimal place only)
50 percent of 84 = .50 x 84 = 42
50% of 84 is 42
50% of 84 = 50% * 84 = 0.5 * 84 = 42
50/100 x 84 =42
50 percent ! 42/84 is the equivalent of 1/2
50% of 84 = 42 (you need just divided it by two/half it)
100*42/84 = 50%
% rate = 84%