

What is 50 percent of 130?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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50 percent of 130 is equal to 1 / 2 x 130 or one half of 130, which equals 65.

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Q: What is 50 percent of 130?
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How much is 50 percent of 130?

50% of 130 = 65

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130 is 50% od 260.. Just divide the number by 2, and you get 50% of it!! Hope that helps!!

130 percent of what number is 65?

65 divide 130 multiply 100= 50

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65 dollars

50 percent of what number is 65?

50%=.5 .5x=65 x=130

What percent of 130 is 65?

To find 65 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.65. In this instance, 0.65 x 130 = 84.5. Therefore, 65 percent of 130 is equal to 84.5.

How do you do 50 percent times 130?

If you times something by 0.5, you have to half the number. So 130/0.5 = 65

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8.9 percent of 130 = 11.578.9% of 130= 8.9% * 130= 0.089 * 130= 11.57

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1.3 as a percent is 130%.

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20% of 130 = 26

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