516 + 765 = 1,281
1,281 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is zero.
516 is approximate to1000 to the nearest thousand500 to the nearest hundred520 to the nearest ten
144 + 134 + 124 + 114 = 516
516 + 2000 = 2516. It is an integer so there is no need for a decimal point.
It is: 516 = DXVI
516 is approximate to1000 to the nearest thousand500 to the nearest hundred520 to the nearest ten
316 + 516 + 216 = 1048
2 + 516 = 518
516 + 505 = 521
There are 2.54 centimetres in one inch. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 516 centimetres is equal to 516/2.54 = 203.15 inches.
Counting in tens, the numbers on either side of 516 are 510 and 520.Now,510 is 516 - 510 = 6 units away, while520 is 520 - 516 = 4 units away.So, the nearer of the two is 520.