450 x 52 Long Multiplication 450 x52 22500 (450 x 50) +900 (450 x 2 ) 23400 ====== The answer!!!!!
36 multiplied by 52 is 1872.
52 multiplied by 28 is 1456
The answer is 2,704.
20 x 450 x 150 = 1350000
30 multiplied by 15 is equal to 450. This can be calculated by multiplying the two numbers together using the standard multiplication algorithm, which involves multiplying the units digits first, then the tens digits, and adding the results. In this case, 0 multiplied by 5 is 0, and 3 multiplied by 5 is 15. Combining these results gives the final answer of 450.
To find out how many tens multiplied by 9 can fit into 450, you can divide 450 by 9: 450 ÷ 9 = 50 So, 50 tens multiplied by 9 can fit into 450.
450 = 2 × 32 × 52
50 * 9 = 450
52 * 2 = 104
52 * 7 = 364