Expressed as a decimal, 13/80 is equal to 0.1625.
17/80 = 0.2125
53.75 percent
It is 7.3625
Expressed as a decimal, 13/80 is equal to 0.1625.
80/10 = 8.00
17/80 = 0.2125
53.75 percent
It is 7.3625
To convert any fraction to decimal form, simply divide the numerator by the denominator - in this case, divide 20 / 80.
5/80 or 1/16 is equal to 0.0625
0.8 is 80% in decimal form.
A percentage of a number equates to that quantity of hundredths of that number. A number of hundredths when expressed as two digits, are the first two figures after (to the right of) the decimal point. EXAMPLE : 80% of 65 is equal to 65 x 80/100 = 52 BUT, 80/100 expressed in decimal form is 0.80. The calculation could then be written as 65 x 0.80 = 52
40/50 = 80/100 = 0.80 The decimal form is what you get when you type 40/50 in your calculator
7 and 29 over 80 as a decimal would be7.29over 80