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Q: What is 52 percent divided by a common factor than subtracted by the nearest ten?
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Fractions can be added and subtracted only if they're what fractions?

like, common denominator

What is 7 over 10 subtracted from 1 over 3?

1/3 - 7/10 find the lowest common denominator = 30 10 x 1 - 7 x 3 divided by 30 (10-21)/30 = -11/30

What do percents and fractions have in common?

A percent is just the numerator of the fraction divided by the denominator and multiplied by 100. ex. 4/5 is 4 divided by 5, which equals 0.8, multiply that by 100 and you get 80%

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What is two and two thirds subtracted by one fourth?

Convert to a common denominator (in this case 12), then do the subtraction.

What is percent as a fraction in lowest terms?

Itis the percentage value divided by 100 which is then simplified by dividing the numerator and denominator by any common factors which are greater than 1.

How do you find LCD in fraction?

By finding the lowest common multiple of the fractions with different denomiators that need to be added or subtracted

What is the least common multiple of 12 and 18 divided by their greatest common factor?

The LCM of 12 and 18 divided by their GCF is 36 divided by 6 = 6.

Can you divide out common terms that are added or subtracted in numerator and denominator of a rational expression?

No. Terms that are added in numerators and denominators CANNOT be divided out. Only terms that are multiplied can be divided out. For example: (2x-3)/(41x-11) Nothing can be divided out. (4x-8)/(30x-10) -> factor out a 2 -> 2(2x-4)/2(15x-5) Divide out the 2 because it is being multiplied so the fraction reads: (2x-4)/(15x-5)

What can 551 and 900 be divided by?

Both can be divided by their highest common factor which is 1

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The smallest number that can be divided by two or more different denominators?

The smallest number that can be divided by two or more different denominator is 2. It can be divided by itself and 1.