149.00 + 13% tax = 168.37
13% tax on 215.00 is 27.95
2,000 - 13% tax = 1,740
In Ontario tax is 13% so 149.99+13%=169.48
6% if 13 = 0.78
149.00 + 13% tax = 168.37
The total tax is $93.59 and the total price with tax is $813.49
29.99 * 1.13 = 33.888733.89
Sales taxes vary by province. Multiply 119 by 1 plus whatever the sales tax is. If the sales tax is 5 percent, 119 x 1.05 = 124.95 If the sales tax is 13 percent, 119 x 1.13 = 134.47
6.99 + 13% tax = 7.8987
13% tax on 215.00 is 27.95
2,000 - 13% tax = 1,740
13% tax on 65 is 8.45
13% tax on 45.99 is 5.9787
23 plus 69 plus 13 plus 3 percent of 100 percent = 108 = 23 + 69 + 13 + 3 * 100% = 23 + 69 + 13 + 3 = 108
The prime factors are 3, 13 and 141.