Oh honey, let's simplify this fraction for you. 56 over 72 can be reduced by dividing both numbers by 8, giving you 7 over 9. Voilà, consider it simplified!
No, it can be simplified as: 119/56
28 over 56 simplified is 1/2.
39/56 cannot be simplified further.
It is: 72/96 = 3/4 simplified
-13/72 cannot be simplified.
No, it can be simplified as: 119/56
28 over 56 simplified is 1/2.
47/72 is already simplified
39/56 cannot be simplified further.
It is: 72/96 = 3/4 simplified
-13/72 cannot be simplified.
It is: 56/72 = 7/9 by dividing 56 and 72 by their HCF
The reduced fraction of 56 over 72 is: 7/9