5/12 of 378 is found by multiplication. You multiply 378 by 5 then divide by 12.
So the first step gives us 1890 and then when we divide we have 315/2 which is 13.125.
It sometimes helps to not multiply such big numbers. You might note that 378 divided by 12 is 63/2, then we just need to multiply 63x5 which is 315.
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5 12ths as a percentage is 41.67%.
12 and 5/6ths converts to 12 and 10/12ths. So 12 and 10/12ths - 7 and 5/12ths = 5 and 5/12ths
5 is.
5/12 is equivalent to 0.4166...
5/12 of 378=157.5.
5 12ths as a percentage is 41.67%.
its problay 5\6
5 12ths is more.
12 and 5/6ths converts to 12 and 10/12ths. So 12 and 10/12ths - 7 and 5/12ths = 5 and 5/12ths
By definition, if you have one twelfth, it takes 12 to make a whole.
5 is.
5 twelves of 378 = 5 [lots of] 12 *378 = 22680.
5/12 of 378
.41666... = 41.666...%
im not sure