Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by Answers.com means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals", "squared", "cubed" etc.
There is no operator between 5 and 4.
5-5+5-5+5 equal to 5
5/5 is equal to 1.
1/5 is an equal part of 5/5 and 1/8 is an equal part of 8/8
It is a regular pentagon that has 5 equal sides and 5 vertices.
No, 1 and 1/5 is not equal to 6/5. 1 and 1/5 is equal to 6/5 plus 1/5, which is 7/5.
Why does WHAT equal 5?
equal to 5=5
5-5+5-5+5 equal to 5
5/5 is equal to 1.
1/5 is an equal part of 5/5 and 1/8 is an equal part of 8/8
1/2 is equal to .5.
5 cc is equal to 5 ml.
Yes, a regular pentagon has 5 equal sides and 5 equal angles.
A regular pentagon has 5 equal sides. An irregularpentagon has 5 sides that are not all equal.
Equal to
5^6 is equal to 15,625.
5^6 is equal to 15,625.