The decimal for 8% is .8 and the fraction of it is 4/5.
Convert 8 5/9 fraction to percent
fraction: 5/8 percent- just multiply by 100: 62.5%
62.5% = 5/8
62.5% = 5/8
The decimal for 8% is .8 and the fraction of it is 4/5.
Convert 8 5/9 fraction to percent
fraction: 5/8 percent- just multiply by 100: 62.5%
0.8 as a fraction is: 4/5 or 8/10. 0.8 percent as a fraction is 8/1000 or 1/125
62.5% = 5/8
62.5% = 5/8
62.5% = 5/8
62.5% = 5/8
.625 as a fraction is 5/8 and as a percent, it is 62.5%
8 and 5 sixths percent = (85/6)/100 = 53/600