22 - 5 = 17 degrees
That's a 17 degree difference.
Minus 17 degrees C = +1.4 degrees F 82 - 1.4 = 80.6 Fahrenheit degrees difference or 80.6 * 5/9 = 44.78 Celsius degrees difference Above answers are Number of Degrees Difference - not temperature.
A difference of 5 degrees Celsius is equivalent to a difference of 9 degrees Fahrenheit. 1.8 million degrees Fahrenheit is close enough for most practical purposes.
The difference is 8 degrees Celsius: -5° C is 8° lower than +3° C+3 - (-5) = +3 + 5 = 8On the thermometer it 'moves down' 8° (from +3 to 0 it moved 3, then from 0 to -5 it moved 5 more:+3+2+10-1-2-3-4-58 celsius degrees
There is a difference of four degrees.
The difference between 14 degrees and -5 degrees is 19 degrees. If you are calculating the absolute value of the temperature difference, it would be the same as 19 degrees.
The temperature difference from 10 degrees to 5 degrees below zero is 15 degrees. This can be calculated by subtracting -5 from 10, which results in 15.
22 - 5 = 17 degrees
The difference between -5 degrees Celsius and 14 degrees Celsius is 19 degrees Celsius. This means that 14 degrees Celsius is 19 degrees warmer than -5 degrees Celsius.
is a difference of 17 degrees
That's a 17 degree difference.
Minus 17 degrees C = +1.4 degrees F 82 - 1.4 = 80.6 Fahrenheit degrees difference or 80.6 * 5/9 = 44.78 Celsius degrees difference Above answers are Number of Degrees Difference - not temperature.
The difference between 40 degrees north and 45 degrees north is 5 degrees. This means that locations that are 40 degrees north are located 5 degrees south of locations that are 45 degrees north of the equator.