

Best Answer

1/2 ;2/4 ;3/6 ;4/8 ;5/10

The 5 examples of fractions above all have the same value, which is a half.

In addition to this, you can have such things as top heavy fractions. This means the top number (numerator) is larger than the bottom (denominator). An example if this is 6/3 (i.e. 2)

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Q: What is 5 examples of the fraction?
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What are examples of an improper fraction?

An improper fraction is 'top heavy' in that the numerator is greater than the denominator as for example 5/4 or 7/5

What is the equivalent fraction to 2 over 5?

There is no "the" equivalent fraction since there are infinitely many of them. 20/50 or 2000000/5000000 are two examples.

What is -0.6 in fraction form?

-3/5 is the most simplified fraction that equals -.06 other examples are -6/10 -60/100 and -600/1000

What is a fraction equivalent to 5 over 24?

50/240, 5000/24000, 50505/242424 are three examples.

What is the fraction of .5?

5/1 is the fraction for 5.

What 2 examples for complex fraction?

Sure, here are two examples of complex fractions: **Example 1**: [ \frac{\frac{3}{4}}{\frac{5}{6}} ] This is a complex fraction where the numerator is (\frac{3}{4}) and the denominator is (\frac{5}{6}). **Example 2**: [ \frac{\frac{2x + 1}{3}}{\frac{7}{2x - 4}} ] This is a complex fraction where the numerator is (\frac{2x + 1}{3}) and the denominator is (\frac{7}{2x - 4}). In both examples, the fractions within the numerator and the denominator make the overall fraction complex.

Which fraction is less than 1?

Any fraction with a numerator that is smaller than its denominator is less than one. Examples include 1/3, 2/5, and 86/545371.

What is 5 as a decimal fraction?

5 is an integer and not a fraction. It can be represented as a rational fraction (5/1) but not as a decimal fraction.

How do you convert 4 into a fraction?

-- Draw a fraction bar (line) -- Choose any number. Write the number on the bottom of the fraction. -- Multiply that same number by 4. Write the result on the top of the fraction. Examples: Choose the number 5 . . . . 20/5 Choose the number 67 . . . . 268/67 Choose the number 1 . . . . . 4/1

What is the equivalent of 5 in fraction?

5 is 5/1 in fraction

What is a terminating fraction?

To sum this answer up you half to turn the fraction into a decimal and if it ends that is terminating but if it keeps going it is called a repeating decimal EXAMPLES Terminating- 5/10=.5 Repeating- 1/3=.3333 (bar notation over the 3)

Write 5 as a fraction?

5 as a fraction can be written as 10/2 or 5/1 which is an improper fraction.