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Q: What is 5 less than negative 4 equal... negative 9?
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Is negative negative 4 less than greater than or equal to negative 8?

-4 is greater than -8.

Is negative 5 greater to or less than negative 4?

Negative 5 is less than negative 4.

What is the answer to negative 5 plus the fraction of a over 4 less than or equal to subtracting 7?

It is a <= -48

Is negative 10 greater than negative 4?

no -10 is less than -4

Why is negative 4 less than negative 3?

-4 is less than -3 because -3 is closer to 0

Is negative 4 less than negative 6?

No... -6 is 2 less than -4. Other way around

Is negative 4 less than negative 7?

no, more than

What is the interval of X is equal to or less than -3?

x is equal to or less than -3 means that x is every number from -3 onwards all the way to negative infinity. For example, -4 would be less than -3, -5 would be less than -4 which is less than -3 and so forth. So for the final answer, the interval of x that is equal to or less than -3 would be written like this: (-inf,-3] There is a parenthesis on negative infinity because it is impossible to reach infinity and since x is equal to -3, we put the brackets to indicate that the -3 is included in the interval.

What is the Sum of 4 and x is less than or equal to 22?

If x + 4 is less than or equal to 22, that means that x is less than or equal to 18

What numbers are less than or equal to 10?

numbers are less than or equal to 10: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and all the negative numbers

What is negative one is less than or equal to n plus two is less than or equal to six?

It is a double inequality defining an interval. -1 ≤ n+2 ≤ 6 implies -3 ≤ n ≤ 4

What is 1-4 equal less than and greater than?

1-4 equal less than and greater than = -3