73 tenths can be written as the decimal 7.3
Expressed as a decimal, 73/100 is equal to 0.73.
73% in decimal form is point seven three.
You simply have to place a decimal at the end of the number and move it two places to the left. 73%=.73
73% = 0.73
73/1000 as a decimal is 73 ÷ 1000 = 0.073The math problem, 73 over 1000 as a decimal is 0.073.
73/104 as a decimal is: 0.7019230769
Expressed as a decimal, 73/50 = 1.46.
73% = 0.73
73 tenths can be written as the decimal 7.3
Expressed as a decimal, 73/100 is equal to 0.73.
73% in decimal form is point seven three.
35/365 35 / 5 = 7 365 / 5 = 73 Therefore the answer is 7/73 Note:9.60 as a rounded up decimal
You simply have to place a decimal at the end of the number and move it two places to the left. 73%=.73
73% = 0.73
73% = 0.73