Expressed as a percentage, 5/7 x 100 = 71.428571 recurring (that is, 71.428571428571...) percent.
% rate = 7/5 * 100% = 140%
5/7 = 0.714 0.714 * 100 = 71.4%
% rate = 140% = 7/5 * 100% = 1.4 * 100% = 140%
7/5 into percentage = 140%
5 ÷ 7 × 100 = 71%
Expressed as a percentage, 5/7 x 100 = 71.428571 recurring (that is, 71.428571428571...) percent.
% rate = 7/5 * 100% = 140%
7 fifths in a percentage = 140% = 7/5 * 100% = 1.4 * 100% = 140%
7/5 written as a percentage is 140%. 7/5=140/100 so it is 140%
5/7 = 0.714 0.714 * 100 = 71.4%
There are 5 lots of 20 in 100. So you multiply 5 by 7 which is 35. As a fraction that is 35 hundredths or 35%.
% rate = 140% = 7/5 * 100% = 1.4 * 100% = 140%
5/7 = 71.43%