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Q: What is 5 over 22 minus 5 over 33?
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The sequence is 5 over 7, 13 over 16, 33 over 50 and 22 over 27. The answer is 33/50, 5/7, 13/16, 22/27

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27 - 22 = 5

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33/4 - 54/16 = -3/2 or -11/2

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22/25 − 3/5 = 7/25

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84 - 122 + 5 = -33

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As the denominator are the same (5ths), change the whole numbers to 5ths, thus: 9 x 5 = 45 + 1 = 46 over 5 2 x 5 = 10 + 3 = 13 over 5 Subtract the nominators, and place over the denominator: 46 - 13 = 33 becoming 33 over 5 Now convert 33 ÷ 5 = 6 and 3 over 5 Answer: 6 3/5

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