To calculate 5%, just multiply by .05 which means the same thing, 5 out of 100. So let us say that you are buying a coat that costs you $60. To add 5% sales tax, you can calculate $60 x .05 = 3. The total cost is then $60 + $3 = $63.
5 percent sales tax for 19.74 is 0.99
150,000 plus 5 percent sales tax = 157,500.00
39.50 + 5% sales tax = 41.475 = 41.48
5% = 5/100 5*150000/100 = $7500
5 percent sales tax for 19.74 is 0.99
39.95 plus 5 percent sales tax = 41.95
150,000 plus 5 percent sales tax = 157,500.00
39.50 + 5% sales tax = 41.475 = 41.48
35.99 + 5% tax = 37.79
5% = 5/100 5*150000/100 = $7500