It is 4692.
Less than 5 seconds. Less than 5 seconds. Less than 5 seconds. Less than 5 seconds.
2674999 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 2670000. Look at the digit to the right of the ten thousands, the thousands. When rounding anything less than five you round down. When rounding anything five or more you round up. The thousands digit is 4, which is less than 5, so you round down, making the answer 2670000.
2 is less than 5.
5 ten thousands = Fifty thousands so a number such as 48953 will do.
22382 Inspect the 'hundreds number. If it is less than '5' then leave the thousands unaltered. If it is '5' or greter , then add one to the thousands. Hence in this cae , the hundreds number is '3' (which is less than '5'). So leave the thousands unaltered sat 22,000. The Answer!!!!!
There are infinitely many such numbers. One possible answer is -3.
It is 5305.
You look to the thousands place and if that number is greater than 5 or 5 you add 1 to thehundreths place, if it is less than 5 than it stays the same. Example 1.3478 1.348
It is 4692.
There are no numbers that are more than 5 but less than 3. 3 is less than 5, so anything that is less than 3 is also less than 5.
155,016 rounded to the nearest thousands place is: 155,000. This is because the value of the hundreds place is "0" and that is less than 5. When rounding anything equal to or greater than 5 gets rounded up while the res gets rounded down.