37ft by 40 inches is an area of 123.3 square feet.
21 x 37 = 777 (square feet).
Multiply 37 x 30 to get the square footage.
5 feet equals 1.52400 meters.
10.22 square meters.
37ft by 40 inches is an area of 123.3 square feet.
37 feet is 11.28 meters.
8ft*5ft = 40 sqft = 3.716 sq metres (to 3 dp).
15x5 square feet is 75 (square feet) which equals 6.967728 m2
Ah, let's turn those measurements into something beautiful. To find the area in square meters, we multiply the length by the width. So, 5ft x 11ft is 55 square feet. To convert that to square meters, we divide by 10.764 to get approximately 5.11 square meters. Remember, there are many ways to measure beauty in this world.
Oh, what a lovely question! To convert feet to square meters, we need to multiply the length and width in feet by 0.3048 to get the measurements in meters. So, for an 8ft by 5ft area, we have 2.44 meters by 1.52 meters, giving us a total of 3.69 square meters to fill with happy little trees and bushes.
21 x 37 = 777 (square feet).
Multiply 37 x 30 to get the square footage.
100 square meters is an amount of surface area.The area can have any shape. To give you an idea of its size,any of the following has an area of 100 square meters:-- a square, 10 meters on each side-- the floor of a long hall, [65ft 7in] long and [16ft 5in] wide-- a big circular garden, 37ft across
50ft x 37ft = 1850ft2