6.127 is 6127/1000 which cannot be simplified.
It is: 6.127 = 6127/1000
A mixed number
A mixed number is made up of a whole number and a fraction.
0.15% as a mixed number
6.127 is 6127/1000 which cannot be simplified.
(720) 263-6127
The phone number of the Monona Public Library is: 608-222-6127.
It is: 6.127 = 6127/1000
The Bold and the Beautiful - 1987 1-6127 was released on: USA: 5 August 2011
HP Deskjet 6127 printers are available from many office supply and electronics stores. This printer may also be purchased from the manufacturer's website.
This question is not answerable. Need Make, model, guage and any other pertinent data to assist.
A mixed number
A mixed numberThis is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.
mixed numbers
The mixed number is: 3 87/100